
Thursday 21 November 2013

Loading YouTube Faster----get rid of Buffering!!!

Internet is the blessings to the modern generation and YouTube is an eternal part of it and eventually of our lives.We love to share,watch tons of free videos,but sometimes we get annoyed with its snail slow speed and buffering.Well you aren't alone facing this problem.
Here are the few things you could try about to improve the situation.

Also read What Is Youtube Red? How Will It Affect You?  

#1. Switch To Better Browsers

Chrome,Firefox or Opera are faster and work well with YouTube.You should do it anyway for the whole better Internet experience.So if you are still using lousy Internet Explorer better switch to one of the above mentioned.

#2. Reduce Internet Overload

Make sure some other heavy applications like online games,downloads is not using bandwidth and kill unnecessary programs and close non-useful tags and pop up adds.If you have WiFi connect PC directly using Ethernet Cable.Do not install any browser toolbar they contain spyware and malware which is threat to your security apart from slowing it down,if installed remove them immediately.
Clean the cookies and keep computer clean.Use CCleaner or Malwarebytes alike softwares.

#3. Try Watching At Lower Resolution

Many YouTube videos offers different quality versions like 240p,360p,480p,720p. If you are having slow internet connection then Try loading the 280p version to load YouTube Videos faster.Also if it buffers a lot avoid watching videos in Fullscreen.


#4. Blocking Certain IP Address Ranges Used By CDN

When you watch a YouTube video, you're actually watching cached video served by a CDN(Content delivery network), rather than watching the video directly from YouTube.The connection speed is different with CDNs, so that's why the videos load more slowly. You can watch the videos directly from YouTube, getting a faster loading time, by blocking the IP address ranges used by CDNs. Follow these steps:

#4.1 For Windows
  • Open Command Prompt
  • Copy and paste this command into the window

netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name=”YouTubTweak” dir=in action=block remoteip=, enable=yes

Press Enter to add the rule
  • Close Command Prompt
Since this trick blocks a wide range of IP addresses, you may run into a site every once in a while that’s blocked by this trick.
  • If you ever want to remove this rule type this command

                 netsh advfirewall firewall delete rule name=”YouTubTweak

#4.2 For Mac
  • Open Terminal
  • Enter this command

                                sudo ipfw add reject src-ip in

  • Press Enter 
  • Insert your Admin password
  • Enter this command

                                 sudo ipfw add reject src-ip in

  • Close Terminal
#4.3 For Linux
  • Open Terminal
  • Enter this command

                             sudo iptables add reject src-ip in

  • Press Enter
  • Enter your admin password
  • Enter this command

                                sudo iptables add reject src-ip in

  • Close Terminal 
#5. Update Softwares
Update your Operating System time to time.Install and update latest version of Flash.See if newer version of your browser is available update that and you will see a difference for sure.
#6. Upgrade Your Internet Plan

Your YouTube buffering speed will always be capped by your actual Internet Speed. If you have a lousy Basic Package from your ISP and your download rate is limited, you won’t be able to buffer faster than that.Do yourself a favor get yourself a better plan and enjoy YouTube.

Youtube feather Beta ? : Unfortunately that service is no longer existent.It was an experiment for faster video experience on netbooks and other slower computers which now is discontinued.So if you still read about it in other blogs thats probably because they haven't updated/aware about it.BTW here is the link if you still want to try:

Hope this post helped you,please read other posts as well they are all interesting and helpful.Also comment if something does not work out.If you want some other solutions,tricks.Tips or topic to read about, just comment below.
Dont forget to check out latest buzz IOT (Internet Of Things)
Thanks and see you again :)


  1. I like your straightforward style and your suggestions. My only worry is that using the blocking code for windows may interfere with the general functioning of my PC and I won't know how to fix it (I'm not tech savvy). If you could add a line confirming that nothing else will be affected it would be some reassurance. That apart, this is a nice, honest blog. By the way, I'm in Mumbai. More power to you!

    1. Thanks for you comment!!!.If you ever feel you are having any problem You can a remove the rule.....refer 5.1 again.. (y)

  2. The 5.1 for Windows code has worked really well so far! Thanks :D I can actually watch YouTube videos on my computer without it stopping every few seconds!
