
Sunday 3 July 2016

What Is Internet Of Things (IOT)?

Some may be very well familiar with,some might have just overheard it but one thing is for sure that by this time we all have come across a term called "Internet of Things" or  IOT. And no its not just one of those technologies that makes headlines and then fades away with time. In Fact it is already here and touching our lives.It will eventually create a world that sure to look like a fantasy future films, it will change our lives and create endless opportunities.So read on...

To be honest its not alien terminology,i mean we all are familiar with Internet where Computers and mobile devices are connected over a world wide spread network.But one thing to observe here is this devices are mostly being operated by people so it is network of people so it makes sense to call it "Internet of People".

The Technology 

Internet of Things is a network of things where human intervention is not required and devices can carry out a certain operation on its own,share information/data to other things over network and take a decision which enables it to fully automate an operation which eventually can turn a house,a building,a campus,a company or even a city into smart house,smart building and so on.

A thing can be anything literally anything! your pillow,night lamp,door lock,refrigerator,car,a water dispenser,a traffic signal or anything that can be turned into a smart device/thing that has communication capabilities to interact with other things.

Real Life Example
So what is a smart device/thing/home and how can we turn one into?
Lets consider an example of Refrigerator! It is a pretty dumb device that keeps food items cold and that's all pretty much it does, it keeps on running even when its empty, what a dickhead!
But how about we add some sensors,mini cameras,a basic micro-processor(micro-controller) and a mini display.
Lets see what all it can do can adjust temperature and control power consumption depending on number of items present in it okay.It can notify when you are out of milk,eggs,veggies.It can even suggest some recipes based on item present, wohh now that's interesting!   


Lets go one step ahead and install a network card and connect it to internet.Now it can search for nearby supermarkets,compare prices,order food items,pay via internet banking and get it delivered at your doorstep in time,without your intervention,wow that's amazing isn't it? That's my friends we call a smart device! 

There could be a smart bathroom,garage,lighting system,security system and what not.
putting these together we can have smart homes,hospitals,traffic systems,cities and a smart world.

Terminologies and Ecosystem
IOT is not a new technology at all.Smart devices(things) are nothing but Embedded systems,them and internet have been existing for years.We have just brought it all together to do more significant operations without human intervention.

While for long distance communications these things are connected over internet,for short distance communication many wireless communication technologies are being developed and used.Some of them are Wifi,Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE/Smart bluetooth),Zigbee,Z-wave etc. 

A standard IOT setup has three basic components sensors,cloud and actuators.Sensors act as input eg. temperature, light, humidity, gas sensors, cameras etc. they collect information and continuously send it to the cloud.This data is processed and analysed in cloud and some decision is taken.Actuators are devices which act as output devices or perform certain action based on this decision.Bulbs,fire alarms,led screen,speakers,water flow controller are some of the examples of actuators.

The Future
IOT is already here, smart watches,glasses and fitness bands are first generation IOT devices.Smart home has become familiar term in USA already. Zigbee bulbs and Z-wave door locks are available in open market. Hospitals are starting to exhibit patient monitoring systems.

More IOT devices means more sensors and more data.Managing the amount and rate at which data will be generated itself will be a humongous task.Giants like Amazon,IBM and Google have already launched their services.Apart from storing analyzing and decision making is one more task which will provide immense number of business and job opportunities.

Infinite personal,critical data will be generated and sent over internet.Hacking will not just mean looting your money,it will mean they will know your health status,where you go,what you eat,tracking your activities.This data better not be accessed by malicious people.So security will be a big concern.

So like every technology this has its pros and cons too.
We need to choose wisely!

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